Music Resources

Struggling with music selection? Below are our music guidelines and resources to help you find great pieces for your ensemble.

Music Requirements

  • 15 minutes or less (total)
  • Up to 3 pieces
  • No classical or jazz music (some jazzy style is ok, we’re trying to avoid extended improvisation)

What to Play

This festival is designed to get Chamber Ensembles performing pop music. To that end, we’d like it if you played recognizable tunes that everyone knows. Pop, Disney/Broadway/movie music, rock, country, etc. are all excellent and highly encouraged! Below is a Spotify playlist full of popular songs that you might consider doing!

Where to Get Music

Finding chamber music can be difficult, but it is also extremely doable with some persistence and googling. Below are websites where we have had luck in the past finding music. One of the best ways is to Google the song name and whatever ensemble you are (assuming you are a conventional ensemble). If you are an unconventional ensemble, don’t worry! Email us at and we will be happy to work with you to find/provide arrangements.

Once you have Music...

Once you have chosen your music and confirmed it fits with the criteria listed above, fill out the registration form, so that we know you’re participating! Make sure to practice and rehearse your music! We want this to be the best concert possible!

If You Can't Pay for Music...

If you can’t pay for a piece or arrangement you would like to play for the Chamber Pops concert due to financial difficulties, please email and we will work with you to ensure you can participate in Chamber Pops. We don’t want financial troubles to affect anyone’s decision or ability to participate in the festival.

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